Ireland Week!

October 3, 2017 — 1 Comment

I’ve been invited to speak on a panel during Ireland week, in Los Angeles on Oct 19th.

For those that don’t know, I was Born in Northern Ireland, went to school there until I was 17, then moved to England to work full-time in the video game industry.

When I moved to the USA I lost my accent really quickly, however, what’s really weird is just how freakishly tall I am compared to most Irish people!

That said, I love helping Irish entrepreneurs and love going back to the old country.

I have 10 free passes, just email me if you want one!

Looks like I’m up at 1:15PM – SCHEDULE



Unreal Engine – Wow.

September 29, 2017 — Leave a comment

Unreal Engine continues to take the step towards “photoreal”, it’s an important step as after photoreal exists, the game industry can’t keep repeating the past.

Once rocks are indistinguishable from rocks, we’ll want to see something new.  I can’t wait to see what designers come up with!



I’m SUPER EXCITED about the new Arduboy! This I think is the best way to learn to program computers, to start by modifying games and then to make your own. It’s way more fun than starting with “Hello World” like every long-winded book offers. As a freebie, you also get to learn about controlling electronics in the process. If you have a kid, get them one of these and spend some time playing with it, there are a TON of free games online to start with.

Well there you go…  Two of the top CEO’s the in video game industry talking about streaming games…  Today it’s Yves from Ubisoft.

“Streaming will totally change the way we create and play games, and will again positively disrupt how we think about gaming.”

Find the interview over on here:

Saw a really interesting interview with Andy Wilson the CEO at Electronic Arts, he’s someone who I have a lot of respect for.

As you can imagine this part brought a smile to my face…

“If you think about every form of entertainment media that we have, the one thing that’s been most disruptive is streaming. Books to your Kindle, TV through Netflix, music through Spotify. It’s changed everything. Ownership, engagement, and it’s absolutely changed the enjoyment model. There are lots of things that are going to change. Scale, in a networked world, is extremely important. You are going to have to have the core digital platform, the engine, the talent. At the core, you’re going to have to have to be able to get experiences to players at any time, anywhere, on any device they own. Streaming tech is going to play a really big part in that.

Andrew Wilson – Full Interview on

Updated: July 29, 2017

Another interview:

“For many of those things, we actually think the time horizon is about five years-plus, but things like cloud and streaming we believe is in the 2-5 year time frame. When we think about subscription, we’re already seeing return from that and the combination of that with streaming in that 2-5 year time horizon could be very meaningful in terms of revenue addition for us.”

Andrew Wilson – Full Interview on


The 6th Annual IEEE GameSIG Intercollegiate Computer Games Showcase
is providing student game developers the chance to present their best
student developed video games for judging by an elite panel of video
game industry leaders.

Come out in support of your favorite colleges as student development
teams go head-to-head for school pride, bragging rights, and this year’s
GameSIG Cup. Finalists will demonstrate their games for a growing
number of students, alumni, and sponsors representing Orange County’s
internationally renowned video game industry.

This year’s showcase will be held at California State University,
Fullerton, CA at the Titan Student Union pavilions A,B & C. Free Parking in the
State College parking structure (SCPS) adjacent to the Titan Student
Union. Park in # 36, and walk to # 31 on this Campus Map at:

Following the showcase enjoy a reception featuring local gourmet food
trucks, game demonstrations by the student developers, and networking.
Put on your game face and come to cheer your favorite school, watch
demos and play games. Click here to RSVP for Free tickets.

The public is invited to attend the annual intercollegiate competition
among the major universities of Orange County and the surrounding area.

* 12:30PM – 4:30PMCompetition Among The Chosen (Finalists)
The greatest student game developers in the SoCal Empire’ universities
will compete for honors on the Big Screen before our panel of Local
Game Industry Leader judges in an American Idol format. Each Student
Game Developer Team will have ten minutes to shock and awe the judges.
* 4:30PM – 6:30PMReception & Game Demos (food & play)
We will have a casual game demo session, networking, and reception.
The audience (you) will have the opportunity to get some hands-on time
with the games created by the finalists and semi-finalists, enjoy
refreshments, and network with industry professionals.

Warning: Seating is limited. RSVP for Free tickets here:

Really excited to see the final version of Jeremy Snead’s TV show “Unlocked”, he’s managed to get an interesting cast of characters involved.

You can request pre-order notification here:


Red Dead Redemption 2

October 20, 2016 — Leave a comment

Let the countdown begin!   Just one more year…

PlayStation VR

October 13, 2016 — Leave a comment

Exciting day.  Get to bring home this…

Caught in an Eve space battle!

If you miss the days of playing Pong with old-school dial controllers but would rather not track down a vintage console or arcade cabinet, today’s your lucky day. Daniel Perdomo and crew have built a real-world Pong machine that replicates the pionee…

via Real-world ‘Pong’ might just beat the video game — Engadget RSS Feed