MDK 20 Years Old!

May 2, 2017 — Leave a comment

Wow 20 years passed already.  Nice detailed look at humor in games and our old MDK game done by George Ayres Mousinho from The Reactive Code.  I think the theme of the Shiny games were that we always had a new hook (Sniper Mode in MDK, Possession in Messiah, etc.), and we tried to make it hard to predict what was coming next.  What was the next level of Earthworm Jim going to be?

The art that Nick Bruty and Bob Stevenson did for MDK was incredible for it’s time and the 3D coding lead was Andy Astor, who sadly passed away from Cancer.  He was a great loss to the video game industry.

So 20 years ago this was Shiny Entertainment’s first attempt at 3D…


Shockingly (according to Good Old Games) MDK still works in Windows 10!

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